Monday, November 27, 2006


Over the weekend I just joined AGLOCO™ with their slogan ‘Own the Internet’, it is the newest thing on the Internet – an economic network similar to AllAdvantage from the late '90's
I joined for the following reasons:
  • There will be no complicated process to learn/teach. I will use the Internet just as I always have – and still make money, believe me I know I surf more than 5 hours/month
  • I'm well aware this is unlike to make me rich, but to add it to my bag of tricks seems a no-brainer - I like the idea of getting my share of the wealth being generated on the Internet (adding to my multiple streams of income)
  • The program is still in beta testing, however there is a possibility I might make a significant amount of money if this works (and I have nothing to lose if it doesn’t.)
  • I checked it out:
    • I must admit I had a bit of concern that it is still in beta, but what the heck, like I say above, I've really got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
    • AGLOCO™ Membership is free. Among the founders there are Stanford students and also the couple who launched AllAdvantage in 1999, which had millions of Members and paid out over $100 million to th
    • Best of all, there is nothing that the users can lose, because all new members do is – sign up, invite friends to join and use the internet normally.em. So it has a very good chance of working...
    • The company has real people – mostly Stanford graduate students who seem to be in the forefront these days.
    • They have great privacy – designed by the Internet’s first Chief Privacy Officer Ray Everett-Church.
    DO IT NOW – this is the key – in order to maximize your benefits you need to secure your position – please sign up now and introduce your friends and business associates I personally have received four emails introducing me to Agloco since it's launch just a few days ago.
    Here is a link for you to investigate Agloco to see if you feel it will benefit you -
    NOTE: it took some time (almost 24 hours for my confirmation email to come through - so don't worry if it doesn't appear right away).
    Be sure to let me know if I can be of any help.



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